Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Casino cat spins roulette wheel

cat playing casino roulette game
Computers and cats are an interesting mix. Unlike other pets, cats can be quite content to sit in their owners lap and be slowly stroked. The owner can turn her attention to surfing the internet, watching movies, or even playing online casino games like online blackjack. In fact, research shows that playing these games while petting a cat may actually be beneficial. It seems that the mere act of petting a cat keeps one calm and relaxed and in control. During a game of online blackjack, it would be very easy indeed to get carried away with all the tense excitement that is an essential component of every game. The problem is, that these excitement can lead to hurried and bad decision making. But when petting a cat, time will seem to slow down and you can be firmly in control of how you play. That means you will make the decisions that are right for you based on a cold calculation of the odds and not the excitement of the moment. That is why so many cat owners play online casino games and appear to do quite well at them. It becomes a form of relaxation and recovery.

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